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Are you looking to know How to Develop a Yoga App? Then you landed on right blog. Yoga apps are such kind of apps that offer yogis around the world for a better yoga experience. In this blog we are going to discuss the Importance of yoga and meditation mobile apps , some popular yoga apps and cost and it’s features. Let’s discuss the complete process of online yoga app development.

“Yoga is the philosophy of discipline and meditation that
transforms the spirit and makes the individual a better person in
thought, action, knowledge, and devotion.” ~ Narendra Modi

Why Are Online Yoga and Meditation Mobile Apps Much Needed?

As the world gets lured more and more into the art of earning money, they compromise their mental health along with physical health. People tend to argue that there is little time to give attention to this aspect but yoga can be the perfect answer to this never-ending argument. Yoga and meditation can be called an escape route from the monotonous daily life that helps you achieve the much-required calm and peace in your mind that goes missing because of your day-to-day grind. Not only does it upgrade your mental health but also your physical health.

Technology has a big say in every aspect of life because of the ease it brings along with it. Hire mobile app developers to realize this and they try to reach the public through the mobile way.

These are developed keeping in mind how the internet plays a crucial role in every person’s life, be it a student, businessman, or housewife. Yoga apps can be utilized for learning yoga without the extra stress of going somewhere to learn and perfect the different yoga asanas that help you release anxiety right off your mind.

Yoga and meditation apps are a tool that has a collection of various poses squeezed under one roof for the people who curiously want to have a change in their life. It takes a certain amount of days that one has to follow to see a visual change in their regular life.

If you skip a day or two then your progress gets hindered and you may have to go back to square one but this problem can be solved with the extra feature of alarms and reminders that can help you keep up with the pace. These alarms can be totally different from the regular phone alarms that wake you up all dizzy in the morning as these alarms can remind you to do yoga and meditations as soon as you wake up and make your morning refreshing as we all know that your morning determines your whole day.

Benefits of Online Yoga & Meditation App

Benefits of Online Yoga & Meditation App

Yoga and meditation apps are an easier route as compared to visiting a website when it comes to learning and experiencing. Yoga and meditation trainers nowadays are paying more attention to getting in touch with the audience through mobile apps as it give easy access to the learning class.

  • People in today’s world are glued to their phones and if they find a good yoga that can help them master the art of yoga and meditation they will certainly give it a go and will also refer it to their friends.
  • These apps can also be synchronized with various social media networking like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. So a person who is using the app will certainly publicize that app in his network.
  • Payments can be easily done on a mobile app through digital wallet app development like Paytm, and PhonePe which reduces the burden of going that extra mile for making payments.
  • Yoga and meditation apps provide you with the latest videos of your favorite instructor and you can learn with the best.
  • These apps can provide their existing customers with exciting offers and coupons that will surely help in customer retention.

The dominance of Yoga & Meditation Mobile apps Recent reports indicate that the market will reach $9 billion by the year 2027 with a CAGR of 10.40%. Yoga, at the moment, is the go-to exercise & for many, it is a lifestyle. As per the figures, 28.9 million people practiced yoga in the United States last year.

these are some Online Yoga App Development Stats that we are discussing below.

Yoga App Development

Seeing these stats on the market, many new yoga and meditation apps are following the latest trends and technology.

These apps are emerging as the largest segment of the market for people who face a struggle in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

They can help to reduce the risk of any coronary disease by 87% and insomnia symptoms by 75%. More than 25k apps are available in the market for the name of Yoga and meditation apps.

Mentions about some of the leading apps for Yoga and Meditation in 2023-24

  • Over 63% of the total population in the US have spent their meditation time on the Insight timer app, to enhance their quality of sleep.
  • Next to them are Headspace and Calm which have 17% and 13% resp. of an active community of people relaxing and achieving sound sleep.
  • Headspace and Calm are the leaders in the segment of the entire yoga and meditation mobile app development industry.
  • Calm has a majority of annual market turnover in the USA with revenue of $158M in 2023.
  • The global meditation mindfulness app market is estimated to reach $4377M.

Now to uncover more about the Yoga & Meditation segment let’s start this blog with a few more glances.

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Goal Served by Yoga & Meditation Mobile Apps

Improves Focus;

This feature allows you to break your unnecessary habit to avoid any distraction. It has an overlay feature to block any of the untapped things like texts, calls, etc, and provide more focus and attention to the user.

Deep Sleep;

Most users are disturbed with the quality of their sleep throughout the night. These apps help them to have a sound sleep. Music of nature and other things filters only the peaceful sound to the people. The next morning they will awake with a relaxing mind and soul.

Relaxing You;

These yoga and meditation apps are planned with a full structure with a guided step-by-step process to motivate the users as well as the trainers to gain quality sleep. It is infused with peaceful color contrast and music, which helps you to find yourself.

Which Type of Audiences We Get for Mobile Apps?

Usually, a Yoga & Meditation app consists of four types of audience, which will have discussed below:


This person is the App owner and is responsible to manage users and system data with the help of a web-based Content Management System.


They are the front-end app users who can manage their users, sessions, and transactions as well as generate reports using the app features.


They are the front-end app users who can view the sessions (Classes/Events), book sessions & manage their profile.

Event Organizers: They can create events, book events, and make payments for event tickets. The teachers and Admin can also be event organizers.

Yoga Mobile App Developer

It’s wise advice to create yoga apps & meditation apps that are useful for the audience to achieve their goals but for your business, you should adopt some of the best revenue earning models and earn a huge benefit and refurbish your brand value.

Subscription Model:

Using this model, users get a brief level of knowledge about the app. This is the highly recommended model to increase the brand reach and earn a bright sum of money from it. The user can enjoy the services for some period of time, once the time is exceeded the user needs to pay for a subscription to keep continuing.

In-App Purchase Model:

In this model the user has to pay for taking the premium services like premium meditation sessions, talk to an expert, prepare a customized chart plan for yoga exercises, etc.

Pay-Per Download Model: You need to pay to download the app. This is the best model to gain 20-30% of the app cost. Not most of the apps are using this model.

Advertisement Model:

If your business is looking to retain a large customer base, then you can adopt such models. In this model, similar niche or domains advertise their services on the platform and transfer the traffic to their websites.

Ecommerce Integration Model:

This is one of the great revenue-gaining models, used by plenty of service providers and businesses. Ecommerce is an urge for the market, you can integrate your app with this, to unwind numerous services to your users.

meditation app development process

There are a lot of yoga & meditation apps in today’s market that can help us achieve our goals. Let’s discuss them one by one.

1. HeadSpace:

It is proved that Headspace reduces stress to 14% in just 10 days after the start. One thing that reminds it for long in the mind of the user is its cartoonish interface, which makes it more captivating. This will help the users to attain their goals of a peaceful mind, and improve their focus.

It covers different areas like meditation, sleep, stress, and mindfulness to attain peace and reduces the stress. While doing the exercises you can listen to music. With your favorite music companion, you can enjoy over a hundred meditations, and sessions to unwind the essence of peace.

Have you ever suffered from the mood swings issue and hesitated to speak about it to someone? Try mood-busting workouts and yogas to relieve yourself with peace without any hassle.

This app gives mindfulness for every mind to attain any goal. Through science-backed meditation and yoga tools, HeadSpace is known to be your life-changing support system for mental health.

This is not enough, HeadSpace consists of Health plans to provide access to meditation, coaching, therapy, psychiatry, and much more, including partners like Starbucks, Adobe, etc.

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2. Calm:

The idea to remain calm in the eyes of the users, Calm claimed to be the first one. Its visual appearance reflects calmness and sophistication to our eyes. It is considered to be the world’s happiest app in 2018.

For those who have late night sleep and are struggling with anxiety, the Calm app helps them to have a sound sleep. With the wide-ranging music for practicing meditation and mindfulness, it is claimed to be the best in one app.

Masterclasses with audio programs taught by the fitness expert, video lessons to get gentle stretching sessions including the movements, nature scenes with relaxing music helps you to focus on your goal.

3. Insight Timer:

It is claimed as the no. 1 app with more than 100k free-guided meditation sessions by world-renowned experts for stress and anxiety control to achieve sound sleep.

This app has something for every category of people. Meditation music for Indian artists, talks by various expert people across the globe, guided meditations, etc. majority of people found spending their meditating time on InsightTimer.

4. Daily Yoga:

It has the option of connecting with yogis all around the globe. It has a live voice and more than 300 poses so that you can perform each pose easily and correctly. But the most striking feature of this app is its high-quality videos to help you attain knowledge. It is compatible with both iOS and Android and it’s free of cost.

5. Pocket Yoga:

As you can recognize with its name, its main job is to keep your yoga instructor in your pocket. It has an add-on feature of customized music to make you feel at your pleasant best. The best feature of this app is that it provides new environments with each passing stage. It is compatible with both iOS and Android and charges you $2.99.

General Features to Be Include in Meditation & Yoga App Development Process

Designing and creation of Meditation and Yoga app development play a significant role to attain the utmost attention of the user. Visual designs with the ultimate responsiveness reveal easy functioning to the user which they always wanted to look for.

Onboarding visuals like demos with small video sessions explaining everything before the user gets started will ace your app to their front.

Everything appealing comprises unique features and functionalities. For the Yoga app development, adhere to these qualities to make it different from other apps.

Yoga Mobile App Development

General features are categorized for different panels.

  • User Panel
  • Event Organizer Panel
  • Teacher Panel
  • Admin Panel

User Panel:

  • Registration: From here the users can register into the app by entering basic details, like name, phone number, etc. Next, he can log in to the app easily by just using the login credentials or via social media account.
  • Yoga Sessions: This section presents the list of available Yoga & Meditation classes & sessions. The search can be initiated as per date & time, Teacher Name, Teacher’s Ratings & Reviews, Certification, Experience, Class Duration, etc. Once a user has decided about the session and teacher, he can go ahead with the payment.
  • Events: In this section, users can view the list of all upcoming events. Each event details, such as event name, category, image, date & time, Duration & Booking options are displayed here.
  • Ticket Type: This section consists of ticket types students can choose and buy, like VIP, Concession, or Regular. Once the user makes ticket payment, the screen will display the summary of booked classes/events.
  • Ticket Payments: Users can make online payments choosing from multiple modes of payments, like Debit/Credit Card, Stripe, Braintree, etc.
  • e-Store: As mentioned above, most Yoga & Meditation apps also offer an e-store facility from where the users can buy mats, yoga clothing & other related accessories. So, as a student clicks on the e-store icon, he will be directed to the e-store which displays all the products, via categories & subcategories. Users may choose to make an instant purchase or can even save products to the wishlist. Besides, he can perform other actions like adding products to a cart, confirming the order, making online payments for money, etc.
  • Blog: Here the user can view and read the latest blogs, filtering via blog title, date & description.
  • Notifications: Users receive notifications regarding booking confirmations, new updates, upcoming classes, events, etc.
  • My Profile: From here the user can manage his profile (view & edit), view a list of booked classes (past & upcoming), cancel bookings, manage tickets (scan, print, download from the app).

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Event Organizer Panel:

  • Registration & Login: Users can register (enter basic details like name, email ID & phone number) and login to the app using log-in credentials, social media integration, or via OTP received on the phone number.
  • Organize an Event: From here, these users can organize events, like create events, edit events, Date & Time, and Duration. It consists of two types of notifications, one from the user-end and one for the back-end (admin)
  • RSVP Notification: Event organizers receive a notification from app users once they book a ticket, so they would know the exact count of event attendees.
  • Admin Approval: Once an event is created, a notification is sent to the admin. Then the admin will approve the event and will then display it on the app.
  • Book Events: Here users can view the list of upcoming events, filtering via date, event category, duration, and can then book (using multi-payment modes).
  • Ticket Type: This section consists of the types of tickets that the users can choose from and buy. They vary from Regular, VIO & Concession tickets.
  • Payment Section: From here, the payment for the events can be made via Credit/Debit Card, Braintree, Stripe, PayPal, and more.
  • My Profile: From here, the users can manage (view & edit) their profiles, view events (past, current & upcoming) & may also cancel the booking. This section also consists of the “My Ticket” sub-section, from where users can download, scan (using QR code with QR scanner app or scanner machine) & print the tickets.
  • Blog: Here the users can view the latest blogs. These can be selected as per Date, Title, Description, and more.
  • Notification: Event organizers will receive all the notifications in this section, like Booking confirmation from users, Admin notification, Profile Update, and more.

Trainer Panel:

  • Registration & Login: Trainer can register (entering basic details like name, email ID & phone number) and login to the app using log-in credentials, social media integration, or via OTP received on the phone number.
  • Reports: In this section, the trainer can generate reports with date-wise filter options, like Event reports, Earning Reports & Classes reports. Usually, these reports can be downloaded in Excel format.
  • My Sessions: Here the trainer can view the entire list of their created sessions, filtered by Date, Class, Duration, etc.
  • Create Offer: Under this section, trainers can create offers for the students, providing offer name, offer description & detail.
  • Publish Class: In this section, trainers can publish class by entering the following information, like class name, type, duration, brief description, date, and time.
  • Substitution: This feature allows trainers to substitute class/session, in the case when a trainer is not able to attend the session for which the users have signed up. Here, the teacher sends a notification to the other trainers requesting for someone to cover his class.
  • Substitute Manager: A trainer can manage the substitute in this panel, by creating substitute (search for teachers in the app via Teacher Name & Yoga Style) or editing substitute.
  • Brand Ambassador: Here the trainer can view the brand ambassador for their class or event. It consists of the name of Brand Ambassador, Image, & Brief description,
  • Calendar Availability: Here in this section, trainers can manage their availability via the calendar. They are enabled to mark on their dates with time slots of the day as Available, Busy, or Holiday.
  • Events: Here the user can view the list of upcoming events as per Date, Event Category, Event Name, Duration, and more.
  • Payment: This section gives the details regarding the order summary of the booked class. Payments can be accepted via Credit Card, Debit Card, PayPal, Stripe, Braintree, and more. Upon successful payment, the user receives a notification for the booked class.
  • Payment History: Trainers can view the list of the entire payment history here.
  • My Profile: Users can view/edit their profiles, add card details & log out.
  • Notifications: Trainers receive notifications related to booking of a class, admin notification & profile update.
  • Blog: Here in this section, users can view the latest blogs as per title, date, time & description.

Features of Admin Panel:

Yoga Mobile App
  • Login: Admin can securely log in to the app using his login credentials.
  • Dashboard: It gives detailed insights into the current scenario.
  • Manage Students: Admin can manage all the students registered in the app. He can view the student list, add a user, edit a user, delete a user, activate, or deactivate the user.
  • Manage Teacher: Admin can manage all the Teachers registered in the app. He can view teachers’ list, add teachers, edit/delete/activate/deactivate teachers.
  • Manage Event Organizer: Admin can manage all event organizers, like view list of event organizers, Activate or Deactivate them.
  • Manage Sessions: From here, Admin can manage the entire classes and events, as per Date, Classes, Events, and Type.
  • Manage Brand Ambassador: Admin can manage the brand ambassador of the app, by viewing a list of brand ambassadors, activating/deactivating brand ambassadors, or adding & updating the list.
  • Manage Category: Admin can manage the category of a class/event of the mobile app as per date, class, and event. He may choose to add/edit/update, activate or deactivate a category.
  • Manage Offers: Admin can manage the offers related to the class/event of the app, like active/expired offers, or may add/update/delete offers.
  • Manage Booking Calendar: From here, the Admin will be able to manage a calendar for student bookings with the trainer. The Calendar may display the view/update/create booking slots as per date & time.
  • Payment: Admin can view the list of payment transactions that have been processed on the basis of date, event, or class.
  • Event Management: Admin can view a list of all the events, as per date, and can choose to add/edit/delete events or activate/deactivate events.
  • Substitution Manager: From here, Admin can manage the substitutes, by viewing the substitute list.
  • Manage Ticket Type: From here, the Admin can manage the Ticket Type. Like he may choose to search/view/edit/create ticket type.
  • Manage Store: Admin is responsible to manage the e-store by managing the products, categories, subcategories, payments, and more.
  • Manage Blogs: Admin manages all the blogs by choosing to view/add/edit/delete blogs or Activate/Deactivate blogs.
  • Manage Content: From here, Admin can manage the content of the entire app, like the About Us, Contact Us & Help section. The content will not only comprise text but image & video as well.
  • Reports: Admin can generate reports like Classes Report, Ticket Report, Event Report, User Report, Trainer Reports, and Earning Report

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Important Features to Consider in Yoga Mobile App Development

  • Social Share Option: This feature enables the app users to share their feedback, achievements on their social media accounts.
  • Review & Ratings: This feature allows the users to rate events, Yoga teachers & courses.
  • Blog: Here the app users can read the blog published in the app, though only event organizers, Admin & teachers are authorized to publish blogs.
  • Robust CRM: A yoga and meditation app consists of so many user panels, which means there is certainly a lot of data that is required to be managed by the Admin. Hence, a robust CRM proves to be immensely useful here.
  • Video-On-Demand: This feature allows app users to watch on-demand videos. These are usually yoga tutorials that are helpful to ace those yoga poses.
  • Live Streaming: The subscribed app users will receive notification of the Live streaming in the app, so they can choose to view it.
  • Push Notification: This feature in the app allows the Admin to send push notifications to the users. However, event organizers can also use this feature to notify the admin whenever a new event is updated in the app.
  • E-commerce: Going by the prominence of online shopping at the moment, it can greatly benefit your app if you integrate e-commerce features into the app. It will not be just a great source of revenue but also will enhance user engagement with the app.
  • Shipment Tracking: This feature allows the app users to track their shipments for orders placed on the yoga app’s e-store.
  • Real-time Analytics: This feature allows certain app users (like teachers, event organizers) as well as Admin to view updates, booking, payment all in real-time. Here the dashboard will certainly be different for each user type.
  • Voice Instructions: This feature is useful to the students as they try to learn yoga or meditation they can listen to the voice instruments to master the art.

Required Team Structure for Yoga Mobile App Development

Required Team Structure for Yoga Mobile App Development

Selecting the right mindfulness mobile app development company that is able to understand the complexity of this particular kind of mobile app and can also comprehend your business objectives and requirements with the app is very important. Usually, good Yoga & Meditation Mobile app development firms have a brilliant set of professionals working for them, comprising knowledgeable & skilled app developers and designers, QA testers, business analysts, etc.

Estimated Meditation Yoga App Development Cost in 2025

Meditation app development cost depends on several factors. the important factors to consider is the country where the app is being developed, the choice of platforms, i.e. iOS or Android or both, and the number of games which are included in the app for betting, functionalities, features, UX & UI design, etc.


These are the essential things that exist inside the app to reconstruct its functionality to the next level. Generally, inside the app, basic features are common to add on. But in case if you want to make it more enticing and efficient to fit into the competitiveness then, you must have to add advanced features to it.

Size of the App:

For different sizes of the business then, probably you have a low budget for your app. But if the business is large then the size of the app is relatively high. Your app is developed on multiple platforms like Android and iOS. So you would require more than one development team, this would increment the cost.

Location varies the Cost Per Hour:

The rate of the app varies as per the locations. In countries like the USA and Europe, the rate per hour is comparatively high compared with the development team from the Asian continent.

Combining them all, a rough estimate would cost somewhere from $15,000 to $35,000. While the advanced featured app is estimated to be $50,000. However, upon finding the expert yoga and meditation app development cost you can get the exact figure.

Final Conclusion:

Yoga and meditation apps are rising loud with their presence for practicing meditation and enjoying mindfulness. These apps embrace an idea to the audience to attain positivity and good health in their lives. Hence they result in thriving market revenues as well.

If you have an idea you can hire the best mobile application development company, to compel your journey of business into a success.

We at Octal IT Solution, are a strong and passionate team to build yoga and meditation app development for mental fitness relaxation, and sleep. You can consult with us anytime.

Let’s meditate!


How Much Does the Yoga App Cost?

The cost to develop a basic yoga app with basic features costs somewhere from $15,000 to $35,000. While the app with advanced features and the latest tech stack may cost around $50,000.

How Does the Yoga Mobile App Work?

A yoga app works like exactly like your yoga instructor. You can access all the yoga routines via the app. You can enroll in regular classes, learn some poses, check for the benefits of various poses, etc. on the app. You can also get step-by-step instructions to perform your yoga poses.

Is it Worth Investing in Yoga Mobile Software?

With the world rushing towards a healthier lifestyle, the need for yoga apps is also increasing. Investing in one such app would be a great idea for you.
It is a profit-making business and most users opt to use a yoga app for a healthier lifestyle.

Why Choose Octal to Develop Your Own Yoga Mobile App?

Choosing octal for your yoga app development can be beneficial in many ways: 
1. Sign NDA for confidentiality 
2. Round-the-Clock Availability 
3. Experienced Developers 
4. Understanding of the Market Needs 
5. Well-versed with Latest Technologies

Meditation App Development
Managing Director

Arun G Goyal is a tech enthusiast and experienced writer. He's known for his insightful blog posts, where he shares his expertise gained from years in the tech industry. Arun shares his knowledge and insights through engaging blog posts, making him a respected figure in the field.

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