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Now a days a lot of buzz is there for hiring mean stack development companies or mean stack developers for mean stack development or mean stack app development projects. When you are looking to create an efficient, flexible, scalable, and reliable web application or website, it is vital to choose the right stack for this purpose, however, this whole process can prove to be quite overwhelming.

Hence, it is crucial to strike the right balance between the variables. Which are involved with the front-end functionality, web server, database management system, and server scripting language. In the present times, MEAN stack has successfully established itself as a few of the most preferred web app and website development solutions. So here let’s explore it all about the MEAN stack and what exactly makes it the most ideal choice for web app development.

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What Is MEAN Stack?

An abbreviation of MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, & Node.js, MEAN is an assortment of user-friendly full-stack JS frameworks, which are apt to build dynamic apps & websites. This open-source stack is for the developers to build MEAN-based web apps prototypes. With the MEAN stack the major advantage comes in the form of language. It is JavaScript, which is a single language running on every tier of the application. This makes the approach to the website and application development way more efficient & modern.

Why Should You Opt for MEAN Stack Development?

Here we have discussed the reasons that make MEAN stack an ideal choice for software developers & firms:

Single Language Development

The reason why you should pick MEAN stack over the rest is owing to the use of single language all through the development process, for both client-side & server-side. As these language are based on JavaScript, the web development turns neat. Here let? try understanding this with the other stack, LAMP. PHP is generally used for website development. SQL queries are used to manage MySql data at client site. If one language could do both the work. Won’t it make things way much easier? It was the NodeJS platform that brought the JavaScript implementation on the server-side. Also, mean stack developer use AngularJS as it uses JS on the front-end, and this way JavaScript is everywhere.



It is the capacity of storing and rendering data that is the most crucial aspect in all the applications. MongoDB is an ideal choice for a database system as it comes to managing loads of data. In contrast to the other databases, it is way simpler to update entire data in MongoDB. As an object-oriented programming language the documents are compared to the objects.



This is a back-end framework providing a simpler interface for creating/requesting endpoints & handling the cookies, etc. The main features of the Express framework are: It allows to dynamically render the HTML pages passing the arguments to the templates. It defines a routing table, that is used for performing several actions based on the HTTP method & URL. It enables us to set up middleware for responding to HTTP requests.



This front-end JS development framework is useful to develop single-page apps. AngularJS is a clean way for adding collaborative AJAX-driven rich components & functions to the client side. In the modern aspect, this framework is useful to develop single-page apps that don’t need the users to keep on refreshing pages while they check them out.

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This is robust JS framework. It is built on Google Chrome’s JavaScript V8 Engine. This platform is useful for developing I/O intensive web apps like Video Streaming websites, single-page apps, & other web apps. As it is open-source & supports cross-platform environment this makes NodeJS a great choice for real-time apps. Also, NodeJS development is open-source independent, which means it runs at the same speed across Windows. With ease it supports operating system like OS X and Linux.

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AngularJS & NodeJS, they both use JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), and even MongoDB stores data in JSON format. This works great for large projects. JSON is used for the app development. As it does not require for the data to be reformat.


MEAN stack based on JavaScript is capable of developing applications of any size. But the best part is that the MEAN stack is it creates scalable web & mobile apps. This means in future if you require adding any new features/functionalities in your applications. MEAN stack can do it easily. These apps are much scalable to fit any of the upcoming business requirements and thus using the MEAN stack will prove to be beneficial for your business even in the long term.

Flexible and Efficient

With MEAN stack being entirely based on JavaScript, it brings together all capabilities that JavaScript holds for mobile or web application development. Whether it is to building pioneering app functionalities, SPAs (single page applications), or any other complex applications, JavaScript can handle it all to create the desired application. Also, in terms of flexibility, JavaScript comes useful for developing apps for any business, any size, and any industry.

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Free & Open-Source Components

All of the MEAN stack components are open-source & they update often. As well as it allows developers to customize code based on their requirements. Also with NodeJS comes a rich library of JS modules.


Any organization that is keen on developing a MEAN stack app, doesn’t require hiring different specialists to work on a single project. The JS experts can easily handle the entire system end-to-end. Also, an app’s deployment cost is cheaper when using MEAN stack as here components are free as well as it can easily run on any of the servers. This approach makes it easy to interchange front-end frameworks with others like Vue, ReactJS, and other Angular versions, sans any effect on back-end logic & systems. Not just these but along with them, MEAN stack also offers advanced functionalities that make the development process a lot faster and easier. Hence it’s always wise to hire Mean stack development company as they have multiple resources with various experience to offer cost-effective solutions.

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It utilizes the power of modern single-page apps because it does not need to switch a web page for each server just as most traditional web apps do. All of these few reasons make MEAN stack popular for app development and it is popularity is constantly increasing.

Developers are often asked, “Why mean stack for development?”. Though developers know various technologies. As they have built many solutions. But developers always recommend MEAN Stack. As they know technology has a lot to offer. They find it easier and more convenient to use the technology for interesting results. This outrage has led to an increase in mean stack development companies erupting over the last few years.

Here are a few reasons that our experts think make the technology most popular in the community:

Flexible to Work On

The technology is quite flexible when it comes to working on its functionalities. Since it uses JavaScript for the development process the experts love working with the technology. Many mean stack development company have developed special expertise and has an efficient team of full stack developers. They can easily develop isomorphic codes that would make things much more convenient and fun for them. Since JavaScript are interchangeable, you can write codes in Angular or Node, and later if due for any reason you wish to change the technology either way you simply can. With MongoDB for assistance, it becomes easier for the experts to develop more flexible solutions. The database technology allows the developers to exploit the advantages of automatic sharing features and cluster support.

Thus, hosting your project on the cloud would never be a problem.

Fits in the Budget of All Business Sizes

One major issue when experts take up any development project is the budget. For small businesses, it is crucial to get a project that easily fits their budget. When the developers build a mean stack app the budget is never an issue. As MEAN stack is open-source its available for Free. This lets developers continue the development process by making use of public repositories and libraries that are already available over the internet. Hence its worth hiring the right mean stack development company for your web development project. Its recommended to hire MEAN stack app development company with best MEAN stack or Full stack developers for any web project.

mean stack development company

A lot of queries arise during the development process. But since the development is open source the solutions to all the queries are available over the internet. Thus, developers always have access to easier ways of exploring their work.

Perfect Technology for Real-Time Development

Most clients want to have a real-time development process. Where they can connect with the developers daily. Such a connection helps them to track the progress of each element that is developed. Compared to a lot of technologies in the market, MEAN is one of the rare technologies that build single-page apps. As the pages do not refresh with multiple server requests due to web sockets use. So, developers easily make real-time changes. That would let them build highly efficient and advanced applications.

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These are a few reasons why mean stack application development is gaining popularity. With MEAN stack developers can code with ease and ensure scalability, and flexibility. It helps developers bring on the screen solutions that are interesting and engaging and satisfy the clients and the end-users.

The Final Words!

If you are looking forward to developing solutions using MEAN technology, you can always reach out to our experts who would help you enter the market with a future-ready solution. Over the years we have built a strong presence in the market and we understand the technicalities and the key engaging features of almost all domains. Due to this, we can state that Octal IT Solution is a top-rated mean stack development company for mean stack app development.

So, if you want to give your app idea a real face reach to us today for mean stack app development!

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FAQ for MEAN Stack Development

What Is the MEAN stack?

The MEAN stack or MEAN is a popular JavaScript-based framework used by developers to develop web applications. MEAN is an abbreviation or collection of all the first letters of the technology stack use. MongoDB, Express js, Angular js, and Node js. This technology is stacked in a layer to make it a full stack MEAN.

1. MongoDB — NoSQL database
2. Express(.js) — A minimal & flexible Node.js web framework
3. Angular(.js) — Toolset for building the client-side JavaScript framework
4. Node(.js) — Back-end JavaScript runtime environment that runs on a JavaScript Engine or Java Script web server.

Why is MEAN Stack the best for web development?

MEAN Stack is a widely popular web development framework among developers to build highly scalable and secure applications. It’s a perfect solution if you envision exponential growth in your online business, as MEAN facilitates increased traffic handling without jeopardizing security or web app performance.

What Is a MEAN stack developer?

A developer who is well versed with the MEAN stack, i.e., MongoDB, Express JS, Angular JS & Node JS.

What Is a Full Stack Developer?

A full-stack developer is the one who handles both the front and back ends coding of a website or web application. A full stack developer is fully capable to handle the project in real sense. As they can single handedly tackle the projects even if it involves database designing, database optimizing, & database query to build a dynamic interactive website. Due to their multiple skill sets and knowledge that can interact with clients during the discovery phase or the project and contribute to the planning phase of web projects.

Design Team Lead

Jitendra Badgujar stands out as a tech blogger due to his commitment to staying current with the fast-paced tech world. He diligently researches & explores new advancements, ensuring his readers receive accurate and timely information. His dedication keeps his content accurate and relevant.

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