Here, we are discussing book review app development, its market stats, required features, and the cost involved in the book recommendation app.

“Books are good company, in sad times and happy times, for books are people – people who have managed to stay alive by hiding between the covers of a book.” – E.B. White

Which reader on Earth doesn’t have this habit of recommending their latest read to their friends?  Well, everyone does. If you read a lot or anyone from your circle is into this, then you know that urge to always share the latest read.  

In a world where everyone is too occupied with their lives, friends who recommend some good reads and amazing quotes are saviors. They do not just save your time but help you grow so much. 

Sadly, not all are so blessed! (**SAD**)

How amazing would it be if you have an application that can be your friend when in need? A book reading and recommendation application can make things easier for you. 

See, technology can even get you a friend without requiring you to talk to real people. All you need here is to build a solution that can understand user interest and suggest the most read books similar to the interests. 

That sounds like an idea, isn’t it? Simply, develop book review app that can help you mark a strong presence in the market. 

If you are looking forward to entering the market with a solution that can help readers find the right books and track their latest read then, there are just a few things you need to consider. 

You may also like: How to Develop an Attractive Best-Selling Reading App?

The Market! 

Yes, before you develop the application a quick idea of who would be using it. Well, as discussed. It is everyone who wants to read but can’t make enough time for the same. We are not only working on an app idea, we are talking about a solution here that would help so many people reform their lives and spend some time doing what they love no matter how occupied they are. 

It is not that we are building something out of the world, but yes with some interesting and engaging elements, we are bringing on the stage a solution that would stand out. 

Before we further talk about the book recommendation app development, here are a few samples that we can consider. 

When talking about the solutions that are interesting and engaging, we make sure that the features and functions are picked from the best in the market. Some of the applications that are developers rely on are: 

book review app development


You can get tailored recommendations based on your preferred genres and previously read books with the Goodreads app. When seeing a recommendation, you can rate it or add it to your “Want to Read” list if you haven’t previously read it.

If you’re in a physical bookstore, the app also has a cover scanner, which is useful. If you see a book you like, skim the cover to see if there are any reviews on Goodreads for it.

On the Discover tab of Goodreads, you’ll find several lists to help you locate books. The app also includes reading challenges and giveaways, as well as the ability to invite friends or join groups to engage with other readers.


The application sends the user a selection of books to read each day, which can either be marked as read or save to read later. Under the Save section, one can see their stored books and, if there are already a few books on the to-read list, one can create new lists.

Not just this there is a Community option where you may browse or participate in discussions, ask for recommendations, and join groups in your favorite genres. 

Then there’s the Discover page, where you can spend hours browsing popular books and lists. Choose what you want to read and how interesting it is. You can even check the reviews to make sure that you are picking the book you love. 

The recommendations aren’t limited to books and this is one feature that our book suggestion app development team loves. You can also find some interesting movies, web series that people with similar tastes may suggest. 


Inkitt is an excellent tool for aspiring authors who have recently published a book or are presently working on one and are looking for feedback. On this app, you’ll find nearly every genre imaginable, so there’s something for everyone.

When you tell the app your preferred genres, it will automatically suggest one or two novels that it believes you’ll enjoy. After you’ve finished reading a tale, you can leave a comment, like, or a full review.

You can also read and access books offline while you’re away from home by downloading them for free.

Overall, this app is fantastic for discovering niche options from smaller authors you might not have heard of before. The book review app development team does take care of the application when they are building their database. 


BookSloth allows you to browse through curated lists and receive customized suggestions based on your preferences. Then you can keep track of all the books you’ve read or wish to read in the future, write reviews for them when you’re finished, and even work toward exciting in-app achievements.

You may also build a profile on the app and connect with people who appreciate similar genres and authors to you. If you don’t want to friend anyone, you can still engage with the community by participating in book discussions or joining book clubs.


Bookshelf won’t provide you with tailored recommendations, but its Explore page has a lot to look through. You can search for books by category to find a wide range of selections, such as Crime & Thriller, Food & Drink, Romance, Sport, and more. Then, once you’ve decided on a category, you may narrow down your possibilities even more by choosing a subsection.

Each category would feature around 60 of the best-selling books in that genre at any given time. Although you won’t be able to read reviews for each book, you will be able to see the overall rating.

While you won’t be able to read reviews for each book, you will be able to see the number of reviews and star ratings for each of the 60 books in a category.

Your virtual bookshelf is one of the coolest features of this mobile application. You may add all of the books you’ve read and keep track of how much you enjoyed them using a five-star rating system, tags, and notes.

When you are looking forward to entering the market with a solution that can make things easier for you, all you need to do is think of a few points that would create a difference.

Related Post: How to Develop an Online Book Shopping Mobile App? 

Interesting Aspects of a Book Review and Recommendation Application 

Well, there are a lot of things that we plan on adding to your application. These interesting aspects are determined only to make the customer journey interesting and engaging. We understand making time to read a book is tough, but engaging with an application that can help you read is even tougher. 

book review app development

(Reading Hard Copies Is Always a Preference)

Let’s talk about a few elements that would make your application stand out from the ones we have talked about. We would integrate all of them or some of them as per your need with our solutions. 

Want to Read Button 

This would be the basic feature of your application that would have to appear along with the screen as a sticky note when the user is browsing the list. We aren’t working here on creating a wishlist for your user to read in the future, instead we are here to help them read. Thus our mobile app developers integrate push notification alternatives that would remind the users of the books in the wishlist. 

Already Read

The application would not only be all suggestions and recommendations. It could be your personal space to keep a track of the books you’ve read so you can recall them quickly. Not just this, how amazing would it be if you could virtually invite your friends into your living room to debate the books on your shelves–all without leaving the comfort of your own warm fireplace.

Add Status to Your Book

When talking about reading, there are only three choices, you have either read the book, you are reading the book or you want to read the book in the near future. Well, this is only for the general public. A real bibliophile knows there are so many integral mid-stages like  “Abandoned,” “Did Not Finish,” or “Currently Listening” (for audiobooks).

Thus, there are a lot of alternatives that you can make a shelf for. The best part is you can add just one book at once, thus, till the status of book 1 on a particular shelf doesn’t change, there is no space to add another. 

Thus, you can not be listening to two books at once. At least on the application. This is only to encourage your readers to finish their read before they take something new. 

Set Goals and Track Progress

If you are a person who is very focused on your goals, then what better way to motivate yourself than to set up a reading goal and track progress? 

This would be an amazing way to keep the readers engaged and inspire them to read daily. Reading is a habit that is to be developed slowly and steadily. 

Enjoy Reading Challenges

A reading challenge with your friend would be fun. We make sure that the book reading and recommendation application brings to the screen a solution that can help you enjoy yourself with your friends. You can set up annual challenges and a number of books that you would read. 

Challenge your friends and let reading be contagious!

How great would it be if your application can easily track what you are reading on Kindle? Well, Goodreads does that and we affirm integrating a similar feature with your application. This would make it easier for the Kindle readers to connect with your application. Also, do not forget to help the tribe know more about the book with honest and genuine reviews on Amazon and the application. 

See, tracking your Kindle reads becomes so easy! 

Make Tags to Keep Track of the Books 

The one who loves to read how dearly they treat their possessions. If you are looking forward to building an application where your audience can easily define the books they love, let them make cute tags. Also, it would be amazing if you can simply mark the books you can read to your kids, the ones they can act on, the ones you wish to re-read. There is a lot that you can do and these tags can make things really easy for you. Let one create tags for the books they are reading and the ones they are listening to. Shelves are exclusive by definition–books cannot be on more than one shelf at the same time. Shelves are labeled. Tags can have multiple books and mostly not labeled anything big. 

This would make it really easy for your readers to connect with the application and help them be in their best game always!

Share Your Highlights and Comments

Every person who reads has this habit of reading and has this quirky habit of noting down everything they like. They read a sentence they love that has to be noted down. Sometimes it could be a paragraph and at times the whole page. If you are looking forward to making the journey easier and more convenient for your readers, why not simply let them have a space where they can write and note down everything they love. Simple highlights and notes can make things really easy for the readers in a click. 

Make a Book Recommendation to a Buddy

Let your book reading and recommendation application be much more than a method to browse your friends’ bookshelves electronically. Our book reading and review app developers let you save and share your friends’ recommendations, so you’ll never be stuck for something to read next (think of the Want to Read shelf as your virtual TBR pile). Every book in the app and on the website has easy-to-find share symbols and buttons. If you want to ensure that a friend reads a book, simply recommend it to them through the app. They’re not going to lose the recommendation easily. And ideally, they’ll return the favor by reading one of your favorite books. 

Personalized Suggestions as per Your Genre 

Wouldn’t it be amazing if your reader gets a suggestion based on the previous reads? Well, our review and recommendation app development team would use readers’ ratings and shelves to provide book suggestions that are nearly as accurate as text messages from their best reading buddy advising you what book they should read next. 

Book Review App Development

Scan Book Covers and Barcodes 

By scanning book covers or barcodes, the book review and recommendation app allows you to add the books to your shelves in seconds. It would let you keep track of your reading progress, see what your friends are reading, and much more. You can reach the next solution that would make things easier to take them to the next level.

Have a Shelf Comparison with a Friend

When a book lover enters another friend’s home, they are immediately drawn to the bookshelves. Let the sleeves roll up and allow your readers to see what their friends are reading. We affirm that the solutions that are deployed help the reading community grow and have a solution to the smallest issues they have. 

(You can even compare your ratings in a compatibility test to see how closely your tastes match!)

Use Browser Extensions to Quickly Add Titles

It’s easy to become overwhelmed while reading a blog article or browsing a new booklist full of titles you want to research. To the rescue, browser extensions! To find a book on your application, right-click any highlighted text. If you’re buying on Amazon and want to keep the social side of the application, you can check ratings for each book as you explore. Additionally, while exploring Amazon, you can add any title to Goodreads instantly.

Related Post: Book Lending App Development – Cost and Key Features

Keep Track of Your Reading Statistics

Tracking the reading log is a clear cheat for the readers if they’ve previously kept a paper booklog because it’s so simple. Even if you still keep a reading notebook or record your books in a bullet journal, you’ll be won over when you see the page count information it can show you off your reading habits. 

You can surely enjoy the pictorial reflection of the books and the tasks that you have accomplished. 

Social Media Integration

With a Social Media button integrated with your application, it becomes easier for you to share the book quoted in the paragraph the challenge with your friends. You can build a strong profile by even adding people to the platform and interacting with them as and when you want. 

These are some of the features that we think must be integrated with your book review and recommendation application that can help you stand out from the crowd. 

Another important aspect to talk about here is the cost of the development of such an application. 

Cost of Book Review and Recommendation App Development 

When talking about the cost of book review and recommendation app development, there are a lot of things that you need to focus on. If you are looking forward to developing a solution that has simple features and can be accessed on limited devices, then the cost of development would be around $15k to $35k. 

If you are looking forward to building a solution that is ladened with advanced features and can help you be at the top of your business, then the cost of development would be around $55k to $65k. 

We understand the cost of development is a big talk, but affirm that Octal IT Solution offers you the best in the market price with some interesting perks and discounts. 

Wrapping It All!

So, if you have decided to build a solution that is interesting and engaging and can help you stand the test of time then all you need is a team that can help you with a book review and recommendation app development.

We help you build solutions with advanced technology and interesting features. We understand that this isn’t the first of its kind but with our out-of-box ideas, we make sure that the solution that would be offered to you would stand out from the crowd. 

So, just put up your thinking hats and catch up with our team over some coffee to discuss your app idea today!

Book Review App Development
Digital Marketing Head

Kamal Kishor is a digital marketing enthusiast and a seasoned writer with a passion for exploring the dynamic world of technology. With a background in computer engineering, Kamal brings a unique blend of technical expertise and creative storytelling to his tech blog.

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