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Who hasn’t used an application without using the statement “This app is ladened with the best mobile app features!” Well, we all often end up discussing things with our friends. But the serious question is how many apps do you know, remember and use regularly?

There might be a few games, a few social networking apps, and a few utility apps. Is there anything that all these apps have in common? The most popular apps like WhatsApp, Instagram, Zomato, and TrueCaller are unique in their own ways. They come from different genres but have something in common that makes them so successful and desirable.

The utility of any application comes second, what makes a good app are the features that are integrated with the application. Most of these features are driven by technology and thus are unique and futuristic for the product.

When it comes to talking about what makes an app popular it is basically the platform, technology, functions, operability, and the UI/UX design of the application that makes a major difference. Other than this the unique features of a mobile application are the major force that drives the users towards it. These unique features are defined by the business type.  Other than these there are some common features that make any application popular in the market. Let’s explore them.

Common Mobile App Features That Top Apps Have in Common

The secret of a successful mobile application is user engagement. Depending on the number of visitors and downloads one can easily identify what could be the ROI. The secret of successful applications is they don’t think different things, but they think differently and that’s what makes them rule hearts. We are often asked what do the top apps have in common? Our experts have been working in the field of on-demand mobile application development services for around two decades and they make sure to study your competition and analyze what are the common features. Here we share 10 common features of successful apps:

successful app features

1. Solution to the Problem Is the Key

The developers of all successful apps didn’t build an app because they have to build one they built an app because they found a problem that could be solved with their app. WhatsApp was built to improve communication. TrueCaller was built to make contact finding easier. Zomato was built to make it easier for users to find restaurants near them. Apparently, all successful apps have some motive to serve. Apps that do not solve a problem or do not have any specific motive to serve die sooner or later.  The application features are quite interesting to be noted to observe how the business runs when we talk about entering the market. Take the example of Sarahah. It was meant to be just fun, not to serve a motive. Result? It died within a few days.

Key to Success

If you have an app idea, ask yourself a question. Does your app solve a common problem that people face? If it doesn’t, perhaps you must think about some other idea.

Read Also: How to Create a Mobile App like Instagram?

2. Ease of Using Sets Up the Right Picture

Of course, it needs to be easy to use, learn and interact with, if you aim to be successful. All successful mobile apps require no external help or guide. The characteristics of an app are to ease down the lives of the users. They are designed to take care of your extreme navigation possibilities and serve you with the most important things right up in order with a great user experience. It’s more about what you feel using this app.

BBM died because it wasn’t easy to use while WhatsApp survived because it is. MySpace isn’t so popular because it isn’t easy to use, but Facebook survived because it’s super easy. Take any app for consideration,  if you can use it without much struggle or know-how, you would love to have it on your phone. Right from WhatsApp to Facebook and Uber to Airbnb, there is one thing in common with all simplicity. These apps have billions of users educated, semi-educated and uneducated, but they all can access these apps without much struggle.

Key to successful app features

Keep it simple. While building an app, aim for the people with the lowest technical knowledge. Pitch your app idea to someone who doesn’t even know how to use a smartphone properly. If your idea looks simple to him, your app will be a big success.

If you have 20 apps on your phone and want to know how many of those are actually successful, just connect your phone with Wi-Fi. Now see how many of them update. Successful apps have something new to update every now and then. This may frustrate you sometimes as it consumes your valuable data, but it’s worth doing. Updating your app means making use of the best features of that app.

There are many features of a good app that did not update for many weeks, months, or even years. They are still running on their basic features. If an app is not updated frequently, it is soon going to get obsolete. All successful apps keep themselves in shape working on various factors to enhance the existing facility. They keep it open to their users and take the feedback to build better on what they have already achieved. Remember, no app is perfect with the first release but with constant iteration and regular optimization.

Visit Also: Reasons to Hire Android App Developers in India

Key to successful app features

Update your app frequently and provide your users the best you have to offer.

call to action

4. Offer Great Support

How easy it is for your users to get your support determines how successful your app will be. All the successful apps out there provide a one-click support service. Also, the support staff remains available whenever a user needs it. The successful app features define the significance for the users. Buffer is a good example of this. It allows you to get one-click support and their support team doesn’t take more than an hour to revert to any query. With their proficient response rate to address the user issues, they have set a benchmark for other apps.

Key to successful app features

Strong support and service assurance is the backbone of any successful app and this goes on to win the trust and loyalty of your user big time.

Read Also: How to Create a Streaming App like Netflix- Key Features & Cost

5. Built for Native Platform for Interesting Solutions

I have never seen a successful app that works on cross-platforms. Even if it works on different platforms, it’s native for all. For instance, WhatsApp is available for Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Mac, and Windows PC. But it’s not the same app working on all platforms, but they offer a native app for each platform. Being native is important as it allows you to utilize the entire features of a platform. A common app built for Android and iOS would not be able to utilize the features of either platform.

Key to successful app features

If you want to see your app in the list of successful ones, go native. It will cost you some money to build an app for each platform, but the investment is worth making.

6. Builds a Strong Business

And they make dozens of businesses out of it. Uber and Airbnb are not just apps, they’re billion-dollar businesses. More importantly, these apps provide livelihood to millions of people, thus creating more businesses out of an app. The entire social media industry revolves around Facebook, and this industry creates thousands of companies providing millions of jobs. And yes, Facebook itself is a billion-dollar company.

Take an example of any successful app. It’s not just an app, it’s a huge business that creates many businesses out of it. In fact, if there is no business, there is no success. And if there is no success, the app isn’t successful. There are both possibilities. You may create a business first and an app later, or you may create an app that carries your entire business. Facebook and Google are examples of the former, while Uber and Airbnb are examples of the latter.

Key to successful app features

If you are planning to develop an mobile app, make sure you have the business idea behind it. The icing on the cake creates a business app that further creates thousands of businesses.

Recommended Read: iPhone App Development Companies

7. Less Phone Battery Consumption

Check the battery consumption of your phone and you will find that the best apps have consumed the least battery power. Though apps like Facebook and WhatsApp remain active even while your phone is in an idle state, these apps will be at the bottom of the battery consumers.

Key to successful app features

Your app should not be the reason behind battery drainage. Focus on the least battery consumptions, and your users will love to keep your app on their phone.

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8. Available for Free

Surprisingly, all the popular apps I come across are FREE.

Now go and check your phone. How many paid apps do you use? Chances are very little that you might be using a paid app frequently. In fact, apps like WhatsApp decided to quit their money-charging idea when they start losing users. The success of Facebook, WhatsApp, and many more apps prove that you do not need to charge for an app to make money. Now there are two possibilities of making money out of a free app. First, if it’s a content-sharing app like Facebook, Twitter, or WhatsApp, you must have a monetizing plan away from common users. On the other hand, if it’s an app like Uber or Airbnb, you must have a monetization plan when the user needs your services.

Key to successful app features

Keep your app free to use and think of a different monetization plan. You can make a lot of money if you have millions of users, by having a clear business idea.

9. Applications Hold Audience Easily

This is a common trait of content-based apps, entertainment mobile apps, and games. People love spending time on these apps. More the time people love to spend with the app, the higher its success rate. However, apps like Uber and Airbnb are used only when someone needs their services. Still, these apps keep their users engaged with their offerings, appeal, and added services.

Key to successful app features

Focus on keeping your users engaged. If your users love spending time on your app, you are one step closer to success.

call to action

10. Not a ‘me-too’ Product

Successful apps are built on a unique idea. Not always you find an app that’s only of its kind. There were many social networking apps before Facebook. There were many messengers before WhatsApp. But these successful apps provided something unique that those predecessors could not provide. Result? They are successful and their predecessors are not.

Key to successful app features

Always try to find a unique idea for your app. If you can’t, try to improve an existing idea. It’s not always about reinventing the wheel, but if you keep building the same wheel with the same features, success isn’t for you.

11. Burger Menu to Display Services

A right burger menu would make it easier for you to showcase your services to your audience. A lot of web apps often miss the idea of putting everything under a single menu and the users would struggle to find the right places to explore and read about. For a successful application, you need to work with a burger menu that can help you through.

Key to successful app features

A burger menu brings everything under one section making it easier for the end-users to explore the options and the services that are available to you.

12. Right Aesthetics for User Engagement

A lot of business owners think that simple aesthetics would earn them results. But the time has changed now. Over the years the UI/UX Designers try to bring to screen magic with the color scheme and creativity. Gone are the days of similar applications and designs. Each brand now works with its own identity which is reflected clearly from the app scheme to its logo.

Key to successful app features

With the right aesthetics, it becomes quite easy for businesses to build a digital identity. Over the years the experts have been creating brand symbols that would reflect in being your identity in the market.

These are some significant features that you must include in your application that would make your business idea a pro in the digital market. Winning characteristics of successful mobile applications are discussed here, you can further move with your idea and let us know what you want in your solution.

Take an Action

If you want an application that brings you high profit and great revenues then you are at the right place. We offer latest technologically advanced trends and future-ready solutions that enter the market with a goal to stay longer.

Have an app idea and want to implement the Success-traits in it? Discuss it with us. We are seasoned with building successful apps and we are willing to repeat the success for you.

successful app features
Design Team Lead

Jitendra Badgujar stands out as a tech blogger due to his commitment to staying current with the fast-paced tech world. He diligently researches & explores new advancements, ensuring his readers receive accurate and timely information. His dedication keeps his content accurate and relevant.

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