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Blockchain is a trending concept and mostly everyone is familiar of this technology affiliated with the cryptocurrencies. A renowned product of this Blockchain Technology is Bitcoin cryptocurrency. In a simple manner, it is defined by Meriam Webster’s dictionary as a digital database that contains information (like records of the financial transactions) that can be used & shared simultaneously within a vast decentralized and publicly accessible network, as well as the technology used for creating such a database.

Today Blockchain is seen in widespread sectors, which also comprise of Mobile App Development. With the rise of Blockchain technology, mobile app developers are enjoying creating mobile apps. Such is the prominence of this technology, that there are people who consider that Blockchain will be the next internet. Hence, with the rise of Blockchain in mobile development, mobile app developers are constantly enthralled with this idea of merging blockchain and mobile development.

In this blog, we will put a highlight on this fact whether merging blockchain and mobile development is a good idea.If we go by the recent reports, by the year 2021, the number of smartphone users is expected to hit an enormous 3.8 billion. This increase in smartphone users has also resulted in the demand for better mobile applications.

The answer is yes. Blockchain and Mobile App Development work hand in hand, and Blockchain Technology has a lot of impact on Mobile App Development Services. Hire the best fintech app development company to build your blockchain app.

Now, these modern apps also use tremendous amounts of data, and thus, a robust management tool for analyzing and managing this data has become a necessity. And, this is where the use of Big Data technology for building apps comes into the picture. This way, the big data technology is immensely helpful for a mobile app development company as the need of the moment is getting right insights to find what the end-users want and big data apps are highly useful in the same. Hence, mobile app development firms are combining apps with the blockchain apps for a number of purposes.

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Next let’s find the benefits of merging the blockchain and mobile app development:

Benefits of merging Blockchain and Mobile app development

Tightened Security – The most important aspect of combining these two powerhouses would surely be the security side of this merger. Out of the numerous benefiting features of blockchain technology, one major feature is that it provides an extreme level of encryption which at all costs provides superb cover to the app from all the malicious attackers out there in the open. Blockchain technology works in tandem with the most secured software applications to be installed in the product.

The transparency provided along with the security – A top-notch mobile application with blockchain technology working with it side by side ensures that transparency between the user and the mobile application is maintained at every junction of the journey.

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Transactions part is a pretty important one for the app developers and customers and to ensure that no fabrication by any harmful user is done in this step, blockchain technology provides seamless transactions for the users. They have an eye on every major step and interfere in between as soon as they detect any sign of abnormal activity. This protection provided in transactions plays a major part in the rise of entrepreneurs as they by providing the optimum cover to the users can gain the trust of the users at the drop of a hat.

The main benefits of blockchain security is the securing and sharing of data which makes it beneficial for not only one sector of business but multiple ones. Assuming that blockchain technology can only be used in one sphere of life is a blunder as its magic can be utilised in almost all major sectors of business world be it medical sector or industrial sector.

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Maintaining complicated digital ledger systems is made easier – Maintaining a ledger can be quite tricky and it takes proper expertise to keep it up to date. A digital ledger can be the answer to release this added pressure and this digital ledger can easily be created using Blockchain technology. Extensive use of high-end computer networks proves to be the key ingredient for blockchain technology to create a highly efficient digital ledger.

Analyzing and sending out data in a collective form is the key task for the digital ledger. At any point of time if a company decides to implement some changes in the system, the changes are forwarded to all the machines in the company’s system. The involvement of Blockchain technology in all the apps used by the customers helps the businesses maintain same ledger at any point of time.

Transactions can be done easily even with multiple users involved – All the top-level business organizations out there require multiple signatures on one piece of document. Blockchain technology tend to ease such pressure from businesses to making the overall process faster.

Using the description keys and getting away with is not the norm in blockchain technology built applications. Verification the information is paramount for all parties involved and the plus point is that it can be easily adjusted. After the process of verification of information and authentication is made effortless by the technology, further required readjustments in the system is look after by the business.

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The worrying for password is swept aside

Passwords are required in almost all the applications that you use and remembering that password is of utmost importance. But some users remain worried even after setting a strong password that their account might get hacked even after a secure password. But with blockchain security in your application, you do not have to worry about any kind of password as you do not need one.

This freedom from passwords are provided as mobile transactions with blockchain security are very much done in the open. The parties involved in the transaction have the SSL certification for carrying out the transaction. All the transactions are visible to everyone and high-level accessibility are provided to the users.

Updating the apps with maximum ease

An increase in blockchain app development will surely help in updating the apps by making the process faster and convenient.

Meeting the basic demands and overall needs of businesses will become a lot easier which in turn will prove very beneficial for the customer services. the applications developed in the present will have some future needs that will be needed to be addressed to keep the application updated all the time, Blockchain mobile app development will help you fulfil those needs.

The effortless functioning of mobile apps

The most underestimated feature of any technology can be that how easy it makes the mobile app look and work. The blockchain technology provides just that as it makes the app work seamlessly. No user wants to pay too much for their dream app to be developed and that is why the parity maintained by the developers in adding qualities and features works in their favour.

Blockchain mobile app development plays a major role in this criteria as it can help create similar functions and features in a more captivating way. It simplifies a lot of tasks like updating, a modification which in turn makes development a lot easier.

The merger of blockchain technology and mobile app development is the future

Blockchain technology has added another feather in its cap as it is now helping in updating and developing the apps. This merger of Blockchain and mobile app development are coming up with new benefits with each passing day and these various benefits are making sure that there is a bright future for both the developers and the users.

The future with Blockchain technology in it is very bright and it is for certain that it will keep bringing new technological changes and software updates in the coming time to enhance the quality of developers and applications built by them.

mobile app development

How to implement Blockchain in the mobile apps?

blockchain app development

We have arrived to a conclusion that implementation of Blockchain in the development of mobile apps can work wonders for both the parties involved. Now it is time to dive straight in to the practical steps of implementation for the mobile app development based on Blockchain tech.

• Selecting the right consensus-based process

There is a high possibility that you already are aware of a consensus mechanism that keeps the security and accessibility aspects of Blockchain up to date. The need to use the right consensus method is of very high order as it should be suitable to the character of the app.
Round Robin, Proof of Stake, Proof of Elapsed Time, and Proof of Work should be your search tabs while

searching for most common alternatives. In short, the method that you decide to implement depends on the overall requirements of the app.

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The design architecture for the app in question

It is significant to select the right configuration for the design architecture of the app. So, using Blockchain using the hybrid, in-house, or cloud-based model is the best solution for this conundrum. The best part about this process is that you have options in abundance in terms of configurations related to the disk size, memory, operating system, and processors.

The most important thing to keep in mind is the selection of proper design architecture which is compatible with the operating system of the platform for which you are creating the mobile app.

Admin panel and UI design

The last and final step is the development of the admin panel and the user interface of the app. To make sure that this task is done without any interferences, front-end programming language has to be used merged with an exterior database and particular app servers.

The soft launching of your newly designed mobile app is put in place with the use of the console, but establishing a connection with analytics should not be forgotten.

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Blockchain technology in the coming years is going to be a crucial part of many apps in various industries be it retail, finance, supply chain and many other industries in the business sector. A bold saying is going out in the business sector that a blockchain-based app store might even replace giants going by the name of Google’s Play Store and the Apple’s App Store on its route to become the number one platform for searching, downloading, and purchasing the apps somewhere down the line.

It would be great for the professionals to learn more about the blockchain and its benefits before you decide to merge the blockchain technology into mobile app development project as they then can properly put to use the resources that blockchain brings along with it. Hire app developers to get robust blockchain software development services.

Project Manager

Dinesh Shilak, a tech enthusiast and dedicated writer, provides fresh insights into technology through his engaging blog posts. His keen interest in the latest advancements & passion for the field are evident in his writing.

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