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Often a start-up is involved in a lot of activities like planning for product development, and much more important aspects. Hence, it becomes difficult to take time out from these crucial activities and devote it to choose the right programming language for the business application.

The tight budget further adds to the worries. A business needs to keep a lot in mind, for instance, app security, development cost, and several other essential things. For all of these reasons and many others, Python comes around as the best option.

Python, as a prominent and established platform, frees from all of these issues to a very large extent, as well as brings many business benefits. In fact, Python is not just limited to that as it also offers freedom for future upgrades. After all, this language can easily interact with the other languages and that adds to its performance.

Here, in this blog, we will be focusing in-depth on the many business benefits of using Python, which is a high-level OOPs based, interpreted, and a general-purpose dynamic programming language. This language doesn’t repeat things and its key focus is on rapid app development. Design-wise, it offers readability of code, while its syntax enables the programmers to express the concept in lesser lines of code. This language offers constructs that are designed to enable clear programs on both small as well as large scale.

Going by the reports from W3Techs, Python is being used by 0.2 percent of all websites. The renowned sites using Python consist of,,,, among others. In fact, even big names such as Instagram and Facebook are majorly dependent on Python. According to BuiltWith, on an approx. 974,112 websites are presently using Python as their programming language and it is still considered to be among the top 10 programming languages even after being existing for 29 years.

Below are few of the unique features of Python development project:

  • Modular
  • Versatile
  • Portable
  • Ease of Syntax
  • Extensible in C++ & C
  • Functional Programming
  • Memory Management
  • Imperative Programming
  • Consists of a large standard library

So, these were the features this established platform bring in on a development project. Next, it is time to explore how a business can benefit from using Python development.

What makes Python a great programming language for the enterprises?

Python comes with many versatile features and today it is being widely used by enterprises all across the globe. The main reasons why these businesses prefer Python are:


IoT-friendly: We are presently living in the Internet of Things era, and it has opened a wave of opportunities for the Python programmers. The platforms as Raspberry Pi enable the developers to easily build their own devices like cameras, phones, radios, and also games using Python. Using the advanced concept in Python development, the developers will be able to connect with the real-world markets independently and create their own exiting gadgets at a minimal cost.

Cost-effective: Python makes the best choice for enterprises that have a restrained budget. In fact, it is a good choice even for bigger projects. Most startups and businesses prefer developing on this language because it allows quick development, requiring less coding next to C++, Java, PHP, and others.

Available for free: This is the best part of Python. That it is free and it even in future it remains available at no cost. By free we mean its expansion set of supporting libraries, modules, and tools are absolutely free. Several of its prominent IDEs (Integrated Development Environments, like Pydev with Eclipse, Spyder Python and PTVS are available for free for download.

Scalable: For a business, mainly the startups, it is vital to attain success, for survival, and make the most of it while it lasts. But, to ensure that it is vital that the business is able to quickly handle this growth. And Python does a great job here. With it, a business can easily face mostly all kinds of struggles and obstacles coming on its way, and will constantly grow. This way the business will be able to flourish for years to come.

Highly Productive: Development on Python provides object-oriented design, better process control capabilities, unit testing framework, and strong integration with the text processing capabilities. These are helpful in enhancing their productivity and speed. Hence to develop complex multi-protocol network apps, Python is a wise option.

Robust: Businesses like media streaming projects or social networks are mostly web-based. And the web is usually driven by a huge sum of data. This means it is complex and difficult to process. But owing to Python being well equipped to combat these challenges, it comes around as the best choice in this aspect as well.

Ubiquitous: Be it YouTube or Reddit, or others, Python is basically being used just everywhere. It is constantly rising, and hence the support for the language is also growing. Hence, to ensure a secure future, it would be a wise move to pick Python as a language. After all, this language is here to stay.

Innovative: As a programming language, Python is not only preferred by the newcomers in the arena but even the big fishes in the pond, like Instagram, Quora and even Google heavily rely on the code written in Python language. The reason behind the same is the innovative and versatile attribute of Python, which allows enterprises to take their services to new scales. So, this way Python covers typically all the business needs.

User-Friendliness: In the software community, Python is recognized as a programming language that is easy to use and intuitive, which makes it user-friendly. Python comprises built-in dictionary data structures that are useful for building fast runtime data structures on Python development. At the same time, the platform offers the opportunity for high-level dynamic data typing, which decreases the length of required support code. Hence, this tends to be the major reason behind the liking of Python by many startups and enterprises.

Blue Chipsets: Python is the primary language used by several Blue chip sites & services and the reason for the same is its efficiency to scale. Be it PayPal, Instagram, YouTube, Dropbox, Disqus, Yelp, eBay, and many more are using Python web development. Hence, by learning Python programming language and its advanced frameworks, such as Django, the programmers can easily find work or they can build their own products or services for their business.

Large Support Community: In the present times, only a few open-source communities are as devoted and expansive as Python. There is full support available in case any kind of complexity is faced in Python development. Millions of programmers are working each day to enhance the core functionalities of Python.


Python shop: There is a reason why Python is Google’s first choice. It is because most of the tools and features offered by Google are developed using Python. In fact, Python is the safest and best option for optimal integration capabilities for Google’s cloud services & Google apps.

MVPs & Prototypes: With Python, the developers can create minimum viable products (MVPs), as well as prototypes. Several tech startup owners find Python an ideal language to develop and prototype proofs-of-concept.

Third-party Modules: PyPI, which is a Python package, allows Python to efficiently interact with other platforms and languages. The inclusion of third-party modules in the package makes the whole Python development more proficient.

Why Use Python?

At the point when you’re hoping to assemble something, you need to be certain you have the correct devices. As a rule, the selection of apparatuses will choose your whole experience.
At the point when you pick the correct device, you’ll be grateful for it consistently.
In the event that what you’re building is a product project for your organization, your center instrument is your programming language. Your decision of language toward the beginning of the venture will affect it significantly later on.

1. Python Is Famous And Generally Upheld

Python is rapidly rising to the bleeding edge of the most mainstream programming dialects on the planet. The unfathomable development of Python is shown obviously by StackOverflow:
Why Use Python – Stackoverflow?

Its consistent ascent in prominence is reflected in the TIOBE file and Coding Dojo distinguishes Python as quite possibly the most sought after programming dialects of 2019.

Python has a sound local area of aficionados that endeavor each day to improve the language by fixing bugs and opening additional opportunities. What’s more, as referenced previously, it additionally appreciates solid help from the world’s biggest organizations. One of them is Google. They are effectively chipping away at aides, instructional exercises, and different assets to benefit from Python.

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2. Composing Python Code Is Simple, Which Speeds Up Improvement

Python is available by configuration, making it perhaps the quickest language regarding velocity of advancement.

Furthermore, you can get a headstart with the rich determination of structures and libraries. They will save you the issue of coding highlights by hand, speeding up your chance to-showcase. (Look at the most well known Python web structures and logical libraries in the segments beneath.)

The restricting element is your worker’s time.
You need to enhance your most costly assets—and designer hours don’t come modest. So you need all the assist you with canning abbreviate time-to-advertise, regardless of whether it prompts more slow runtime execution.

3. Perusing Python Code Is Instinctive, Making Support a Breeze

Python’s grammar is clear and compact. The language is intended to be meaningful and near real English, making it simple to interpret. Python additionally requires less lines of code to accomplish results contrasted with dialects like C or Java.
With a language that is more clear and exploreable, you can diminish the measure of work expected to keep up and grow your code base.

4. Python Gives You Attempted and Tried Versatility

Nobody can truly anticipate when your client numbers will begin flooding and adaptability will turn into a need. This is the reason it’s a smart thought to utilize a language that scales extraordinarily and, as we’ve referenced above, is not difficult to keep up.
The absolute most yearning projects around the web—YouTube, Reddit, EVE Online—all are driven by the strength of the language to serve their client base dependably.

Established Firms Using Python as a Programming Language

The biggies in the technology industry have experimented with a lot of languages with Python being their favorite. It is this language that has made it easier for them to integrate a few functionalities that were expected of them


Does Google use Python? Well, it does. Python has had support from Google since its inception when the Google founders made this decision that says “Python where we can, and C++ where we must”. Hence, C++ was used in cases when memory control was essential and low latency was aimed for. Why does google use python? In other aspects, with Python came the ease of maintenance and considerably best delivery. Due to Python’s ease of deployment and simplicity to maintain, even when Google writes other scripts in Perl or Bash, it then recodes them into Python. Today, Python is among the official Google server-side languages, whereas Java, C++, and Go are others, deployed to production.


When a lot of people come to us for social media app development, they often ask us what programming language does instagram use?

In the year 2016, the engineering team of Instagram averred that they were running the world’s largest deployment of the Django web framework, entirely written in Python. This is deemed to be held true even today. Speaking of their product usage of Python, Instagram software engineer Min Ni says, “Initially we chose to use Python as a language owing to its reputation for practicality and simplicity, which well aligns with Instagram’s philosophy, i.e. to do simple things first. How does instagram use python? Ever since then the engineering team at Instagram has invested its time & resources to keep Python deployment viable at a massive scale they are operating at, which is 800 million monthly active users. Later in 2017, Instagram moved major of their Python codebase from Python 2.7 to Python 3.


The production engineers at Facebook give great preference to Python and this makes it the third most prominent language used here at this social media biggie, after C++ and their proprietary PHP dialect, Hack. On average, there are more than 5000 commits to the utilities & services at Facebook, where they manage infrastructure, hardware imaging, operational distribution, and hardware imaging. With Python libraries comes the ease of use, thus production engineers don’t require writing or maintaining too much coding. This way they can focus on the enhancement. Not just this but this also ensures that Facebook infrastructure scales efficiently. A post made by Facebook in the year 2016 states that Python is presently responsible for the multiple services in the domain of infrastructure management, consisting of the usage of TORconfig for handling networking switch setup & imaging, FBOSS for white box switch CLIs, and use of Dapper to schedule and execute maintenance work.


This renowned crowd-sourced question and answer platform gave a long thought over what language to use to implement & execute their concept. After a lot of considerations and discussions among the team members, they zeroed down to Python, C++, Scala, and Java. The biggest issue with proceeding with the Python language was its lack of type check and comparative slowness.


As per Adam D’Angelo, they didn’t go with C++ because it is proprietary Microsoft language and didn’t want to oblige to any future changes put out by Microsoft. Also, with any open-source code came second-class support. Java, on the other hand, was painful to write in as compared to Python and it didn’t perform well with the non-Java programs, which Python did. Also, when Quora was started, Java was in its initial stage, hence there were worries regarding future support and whether the language would successfully grow or not.

Due to these many reasons, Quora founders decided to follow Google footsteps and chose to use Python wherever they could owing to the ease of writing & readability it brings. They implemented C++ for performance critical sessions. Python’s lack of type checking was dealt with by writing the unit tests that very much give the desired results.


Spotify, a big name in the arena of music streaming, is a huge Python supporter, where it uses the language mainly for data analysis & backend services. On its backend, most of the services communicate over 0MQ or ZeroMQ. It is an open-source networking library & framework written in Python and in C++, among its other languages.

The main reason behind services being written in Python language is because Spotify enjoys the fast development pipeline that is when it writes and codes in Python. All of the recent updates about Spotify architecture have been about using event. This, particularly, offers a fast event loop with high-level synchronous API.

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In order to offer the suggestions & recommendations for users, Spotify tends to rely on the large volume of analytics. So, to interpret the same, Spotify uses Luigi, which is a Python module synchronizing with Hadoop. Hadoop is an open-source module handling the functioning of libraries together and it quickly consolidates the error logs as that enables troubleshooting and redeployment. At present, Spotify uses a total of 6000 individual Python processes working together over nodes of the Hadoop cluster.


So, these were just a few of the names that we discussed here. There are several other big firms that are using Python as their programming language, consisting of Netflix, Drop, and Reddit, among others. This very much vouches for the fame enjoyed by Python as a programming language and gives all the good reasons why you should be using this language for your enterprise applications.

Python brings many business benefits and along with that is suitable to be customized with the larger applications as with Python comes incredible features such as scalability, extensibility, special libraries, and easily readable syntax, just as we mentioned in the start of this blog. Hence, if you are looking for much more advanced web development for your enterprise, we advise that you choose a dedicated and leading Python web app development firm to ensure great results.

Digital Marketing Head

Kamal Kishor, a digital marketing enthusiast and seasoned writer, idolizes exploring the dynamic technology market. With a background in computer engineering, he combines technical expertise and creative storytelling in his tech blog.

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