React Native is a cross-platform framework that allows building native-quality apps while delivering an exceptional user experience. This development framework is known for its super intelligent components that stand apart in functionalities and the interface’s quality. If you want to know how React Native will help you have an intuitive, robust, and exceptionally adjusting to the user requirements, this post is for you.
We will cover two essential aspects of React Native in this post:
- What are the various components of React Native
- How React Native proves to be an intelligent solution for app development
- Main benefits of apps built on React Native
What are various components of React Native ?
Apps built on the React Native framework have become the first choice of mobile app developers because of the ease of deliverability of features it offers. Not only the app comes out to be robust, but it looks exceptionally appealing too.
Here are some of React Native’s components worth knowing about:
Basic Components:
All these essential components are useful in designing the app’s UI. These components contribute to the aesthetics of the app’s frontend, which interacts directly with the user.
- View: It is the most primary component that developers can utilize for creating a user-centric experience.
- Image: Helps make the app screen quite engaging with the help of clean but fast-loading images
- Text: Helps decide the font color, size, and style in which the information will be made available to the end-user
- TextInput: Helps pick the style in which the user will input information to get a result using a keyboard
- ScrollView: It allows hosting multiple components and views with the help of a scrolling container
- StyleSheet: It is the abstraction layer that is quite similar to a CSS style sheet in functionality.
User Interface:
Like in hybrid app development, these components create a better user experience by rendering a supportive, functional app.
- Button: Developers can pick the touch style that works equally brilliantly on all platforms.
- Switch: A Boolean operation that intelligently helps select the input as required.
List Views:
ListViews is more specific in functioning as compared to ScrollView. It renders only those elements that the screen shall display at any point in time.
- FlatList: Allows rendering functional scrollable list
- SectionList: More specific than FlatList and covers Sectioned List specifically.
Android Classes and API
These components set the actions that provide wrapping solution for Android Classes.
- BackHandler: Provides hardware button press to decide back navigation
- DrawerLayoutAndroid: It helps determine how drawer layout will be rendered on Android
- PermissionsAndroid: All messages related to permissions are designed using PermissionsAndroid
- ToastAndroid: Offers mechanism to create toast alert.
iOS components and API
These provide wrappers for UI Kits most commonly employed for development.
- ActionSheetiOS: It is an API that displays iOS action sheet
Apart from these, one can find components like keyboardAvoidingView, Linking, Alert, ActivityIndicator, Dimensions, and a few more.
All these components collectively help in creating an exceptional user experience for the app users. The functionalities achieved have qualities like added lucidity, immediacy, and user-friendliness that account for the React Native Apps’ intuitive functioning.
How React Native proves to be an intelligent solution for app development?
Why is anything considered intelligent? Isn’t something intelligent when it works intuitively, requires fewer resources, responds immediately to user needs? All these traits are conspicuous in React Native apps.
The best features of the React Native App development are:
- Faster development and lesser desk-to-market time
Faster development and deployment and quick rollout of an app help the businesses skim profits through an innovative idea. Since the application requires fewer team members and does not involve the management of more people, it quickens the process considerably.
- Enriched apps with user-friendly features
React Native Apps are quite compatible with third-party plugins. Thus, it is easier for dedicated developers to quickly enrich the app with various functionalities, enabling the interface with lots of user-friendly features.
- Sustainable development
React Native Apps are quite future-ready. These apps do not lose their relevance because the features are robust and quite comforting to the users. The comfortable and continual updating or upgrading of features keeps them secure and scalable, and so, the app development process needs not to be repeated often.
- Helps cover all types of users with a single app code
React Native Apps are cross-platform and can be used on both iOS and Android devices with added ease. The app performs equally well in both types of devices without lagging in performance or user experience.
- The apps’ efficiency is increased manifold
Native React is based on React Ideas. Therefore, this framework is capable of delivering robust apps. The apps can scale up the performance and still consume the resources of the hybrid environment level. However, the performance is the same as the native app, known for added lucidity in action.
- Offers ease of tracking changes
React Native has a ‘live reload’ feature, which is unique. It allows making changes in the code on one screen and observing other screens’ impact in real-time. Thus, the whole process of development, updating, and improvement of features become fast and result-oriented.
- Helps become m-commerce-ready in no time
Every business wants to go truly mobile. Even the in-house operations are being transported to mobile phones through apps. With the help of React Native Apps, the businesses can get their idea converted into a mobile app in no time. Thus, convenience becomes a readily saleable commodity, which ultimately helps create a better customer base.
- Quite interactive and lucid UI offer a better experience
Apps built using React Native look more appealing with their lucid UIs. React Native may look like a JavaScript library to a developer with more and more UI building options. This added comfort translates easily into UIs that work their best and offer added lucidity in functions across all possible platforms.
React Native is rightly considered a wise option for building cross-platform apps that are more than ready to serve the end-users’ needs because of these conveniences.
Main benefits of apps built on React Native
React Native Apps are known for having ultra-intelligent features. The primary benefits possible to enjoy with these apps are:
- Cost control
Two teams required to do iOS and Android app development is reduced to one. The reduced headcount reduces developer costs for the business. They can operate on a minimal budget and still have a high-quality app to serve their audiences.
- Easy management of the development process
Since businesses need to get updates from fewer people; sometimes, they are dealing with only one person in the name of React Native app development company; they get quicker updates. The holding of meetings can also be reduced to a quick phone call or conference call. Thus, the businesses get updates and progress’s views through more straightforward means.
- More reach per dollar spend on app development
Since React Native apps can reach a broader audience with a single app code, more reach is attained per dollar spend with these. Thus, the sales registered through the app also contribute to more profit per unit of investment figure.
- Enhances user experience on all platforms
The businesses enable their reach the easiest possible way. They deliver an unmatched experience irrespective of the type of gadget owned by the consumer. Users don’t hesitate to access the business’s offerings or purchase anything from it when they need not change their gadgets. Since the app runs the best manner on all devices, the users find no excuse to dispense with it.
- Helps maintain brand message’s uniformity across devices
React Native app offers ease of sending messages to customers in a uniform tone. Whether it is a product page or an ad, it runs smoothly when users access the app. Thus, the message is most likely to remain reinforced in the users’ minds, increasing the business’s chances of conversion.
- Allows business to use the app for years
All updations and upgrades become easy to install in React Native App. Thus, the businesses can use the single app as a sales cum communications platform for years without redeveloping it from scratch. The sustainability feature makes these apps cost-effective, green, and fully supportive of growing business. The businesses can work on other important issues and find ways to grow and become more user-friendly instead of repeatedly investing energy in the development process.
Hire the best React Native mobile app development service that can deliver the most sought-after values with no fuss. The app developers, expert in React Native, can help you put the ideas into reality in no time and give you a feasible option for reaching out to the customers across all platforms.
When you need to cut the competition and strive to be at the top, technology can help every bit in this. With React Native app development, you can embrace technology most effortlessly and sustainably. If still not satisfied, go through the who’s who of all industries, their presence on React Native apps can help you make quick decisions about choosing the framework.