Apple is the true spearhead in introducing the world with the power of smartphones. Ever since the earliest editions of iPhones, Apple has always stayed a few steps ahead of its competitors in terms of offering the most cutting-edge tech and unimaginable apps in all its devices. If you have an idea for an app that will have its unique resource utility, it’s usually preferred to have an iOS app rather than an Android one.
The App Store platform is just the perfect launchpad for apps with great potential. However, as we shall see, getting your app live on the app store is very a convoluted and daunting process. There is such a huge list of technical guidelines that an iOS app developer must follow to get approval from Apple. This is exactly why, if you have an idea for an iOS app, you should be extra cautious to pick the right person for the job. If programming is not your cup of tea, it becomes especially perplexing to tell which iOS developer is genuine and which one is an amateur in disguise.
This is a guide that everyone should follow in order to ensure that they are working with an ideal iOS app developer. So, without further ado, let’s get started!
1- App Development Team or Individual Programmers
The first thing that strikes to everyone’s mind when they start their search for iOS app developers is whether they should go with a single iOS developer or an entire team of programmers. Individual iOS app developers are going to be cheaper than an entire team, but that’s pretty much their only advantage. Individual programmers lack accountability, commitment, and trust. An app development team, on the other hand, is way ahead of lone developers in all these three factors. Since a team is going to represent an organization, it’s will be way more responsible, will ensure that the work is completed before the deadline and will be fully cooperative throughout the app development process. An iOS app development team, therefore, is a much better option than individual developers.
2- Proficiency in iOS Programming
Now, even if you are not a technical person, you must be familiar with how apps are developed. Every app, whether it’s an iOS app or an Android one, runs on certain codes. These codes are written by developers in specific high-level languages that are meant to be understood by devices. While checking for the technical skillset of an iOS app developer, there should be a clear indication of expertise in iOS programming languages including Objective C, Swift Programming language, etc. If the portfolio of the developer in consideration talks a lot about these languages, and if this is verified through client recommendations and reviews, then you are looking at the right developer for your app.
3- Experience with Currently Running iOS Apps
The best way to check if an app developer really has expertise in a certain platform is by ensuring that he or she actually spends a lot of time experimenting on the currently available apps on the App Store. You can do this by checking out if this developer is trying his or her hands on the beta versions of all the upcoming apps. This not only shows the true dedication of the developer towards iOS but also helps him or her in keeping up with all the latest trends in the apps that run on iPhones. That’s a win-win for every app owner, isn’t it.
4- Cost Considerations
We discussed in the first point about how a single programmer, although not a preferred choice, is cheaper in terms of overall costs of mobile app development. However, the cheapest isn’t always the best option, especially when it comes to iOS app development. Therefore, going with an entire team will still be the right choice. However, that’s not to say that you still can’t save money while hiring an expert iOS app development team. Fish around the market, compare costs among different iOS app development companies and you’ll find a never-seen-before price contrast in app development teams. However, before you shake hands with the cheapest team that you came across, it’s important to consider the firm from other perspectives as well.
5- Deployment Success Rate
Before discussing all the points above, we had talked about the strict guidelines provided by Apple. These guidelines serve as a ground for scrutinizing every app that is requested to be added to the App Store. In order to determine how well-versed an iOS app developer is with these guidelines, analyze the rate of successful app deployments by the programmer, or team of programmers on the App Store. In simple words, check how many apps that the programmer has developed so far are still available to be used in Apple devices. Lazy iOS developers can’t keep track of all the latest updates in Apple’s guidelines and are sure to not notice that a lot of their previously developed apps have already been removed from the App Store. Conversely, a well-informed iOS app programmer will have a better success rate and will be an ideal choice to work with.
6- Data Security and Intellectual Property Rights
Last, but not the least, is the assurance of security and royalty of your app. If you think of you’ve found the right developer based on the points above and are eager to start the app development process, just ensure that the developer passes this final test. Before signing any papers, make sure that you will own the rights to all the data obtained through the app, and that you are the sole owner of the app code. This is really important because many developers in the market can take advantage of your unique ideas and capitalize on it for their own gain by developing an app for themselves. Unique and innovative ideas don’t come to mind every day, and you should n’t let anyone else take advantage of your intellectual property at any cost.
It’s safe to say that if an iOS app developer manages to clear all the points mentioned above, then he or she is the one developer you can hire. However, an ideal developer is a myth. You should consider every programmer based on an aggregate scoring by factoring in all these points. Choose wisely, and give your app the most ultimate platform that it deserves.